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A person with gerbils for brain power.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

M&M, anyone?

Tonight I have a PARTY to be at.


and THAT was what I thought last night she says writing the next morning...

*biiiiig eye roll there*

instead I went and I talked to people! Ironically, this is the FIRST time I can ever remember having ACTUAL FUN at a party. This one being my best mates parent's 25th (!) wedding anniversary.

AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A TEENAGER?! I can hear the yelling from here....

So there were some people there, (including a nice girl I ued to go dancing with at ballet and her family. I accidentally told them I should find my family before they thought I'd been aubducted by aliens. Again. I know, ok?) and somehow I started talking to my best mates COUSIN about how I do stupid stuff without realising how stupid it was, and next thing you know I'm learning about how she once tried to eat an M&M.


Well, your nose canal passage wodjamacallitthingy and your MOUTH nose canal passage wodjamacallitthingy connect right?

Made sense to me.

they got it out in the end, but that is one HECK of a story!

I also stared at the milky way not the chocolate bar, mostly cos there weren't any, but the spacy thing.

It's coooooooool!

Still not convinced about the balls of burning gas thing. (just... hanging there? In space? burning away? Seriously?) I prefer the whole birthday cake scenario, which makes so much more SENSE!

Thursday, 13 August 2009

This blog thing is going well!

Sarcasm? Moi? NEVER...

so since March? or was it May?

Anyway, I have left St A's and everything THAT brought, can't decide if I'm happy or sad or what about that. Weirdly, the thought thta I'll never see some of those people again... it makes me feel lighter! Well, who DOESN'T want to feel lighter?

*floats away*

Picked A levels... English Lit,(big shocker there) Psychology, history and (Pervoiden Oi gets ther marks) (touch wood) Sociology

made some friends! *Waves to anyone, everyone especially WTFer friends! HI!*

Wrote a lot

people occasionally see it now! Bit incredible really.

And I still don't know what people blog about!